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Information for Departmental Personnel Committees

Requested Changes Process

As Departmental Personnel Committee, you have the ability to request that the faculty member make changes to his/her portfolio. As the DPC Chair, you must email Mark McKernin ( & Sophia Mihic ( for their approval for the faculty member to make the requested changes. Mark and Sophia will email you (the DPC Chair), the faculty member and Kenny their decision and the required time frame for making your requested changes. After the changes are made, the faculty member will notify Kenny Beyer so he can relock your portfolio so you can review the portfolio one more time before it goes to the department chair.

In order to keep process moving smoothly and efficiently we request that the DPC chair notify Kenny once the DPC work is completed so he can then start the process of sharing it with the department chair.

Tk20 only allows one account to access a portfolio at one time so you will be given two separate accounts to access your department’s portfolios.  Please inform your DPC members if someone tries to logon at the same exact moment in time with the same account, the first person will be logged off and the second person will be logged on.  You will receive an OOPS! Session Time Out if you are logging someone out.


This is a security feature within Tk20 and cannot be modified.

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